A complaint is part of every business and the restaurant industry has their share as well. The restaurant staff should always be calm and make sure they handle it in a professional way.
Some complaints can be funny.
-The spaghetti is too short.
– The drink is too strong.
But some are genuine.
– The soup is cold.
– Meat not cooked properly.
The Restaurant Academy Golden tricks before every complaint:
*There is no I
You work in a team. Never say this is not my fault.
*Your superpower
Every company has a separate policy. Can you give a discount to the guest or need to seek permission before it?
*Language power
This trick works like bread and butter in most situations. If you have a native speaker of the same language let him/her try to it. Language is the biggest tool.
The complaint time:
L- Listen
A- Apologise
S- Solution
T- Thank You
Opening Sentence:
How may I help/assist you?
Assist can be hard for people when English is not their main language
After listening to the problem,
Sir/Mam, I would like to confirm ……….
Please give your full attention to the guest here.
I’m extremely sorry for the inconvenience.
I am going to ……
Please give me a moment and let me check with my manager.
Make sure you explain everything to the manager/supervisor. You don’t want the guest to explain it twice.
Thank You
Thank you for letting us know about the issue.
Always remember that 1 Happy Guest= 10 New Guest and 1 Unhappy Guest: 100 to 1000 Guests won’t come to your place.