Every restaurant has its own style of service. 5 most popular service in the restaurant industry are:

American or Plate Service (RS-CW-P)

In this service style:
1. The food is plated in the kitchen by the chefs.
2. The waiter picks up the prepared plates(3 for an elegant service) and serves the guest directly RS-CW-P.

This service style is suitable for: Check our waiter course for it.

 Fast, Guests get what they ordered, Portion control and Platter service.

Difficult for the waiter to carry hot plates and a lot of Food waste.

Gueridon or Side Table Service(RS-CW-P)
In this service style:

1. Fetch the plates with or without rechauds depending on the food being served and leave on the gueridon. I stack on rechaud if hot or 2 stacks on gueridon if cold.
2. Fetch the platter from the kitchen, present to guests explaining the food, leave on gueridon with or without rechauds.
3. The waiter prepares the plates in front of the guests with the spoon in one hand and the fork in the other.
4. Plates are prepared 1 by 1 if hot, then served RS-CW-P or by 2 by two if cold.
5. A rapid service with well-presented plates in essential.

This service style is suitable for: Check our waiter course for it.
More personal service, Easier for the waiter and Guest watch their food being placed on the plates.

Takes time.

English, Platter or Silver Service(LS- CCW-P)
In this service style:

1. Fetch the plates with or without rechauds depending on the food being served and leave on the gueridon.
2. Fetch the platter from the kitchen, present to guests explaining the food, leave on gueridon with or without rechauds.
3. Distribute the plates(cold or hot)RS-CW- no P.
4. The waiter passes with the platter (LS-CCW-P) and serves the guests with the service clamps.
5. A rapid service with well-presented plates is essential.

This service style is suitable for: Check our waiter course for it.
Personal choice, interactive and Guest see the food and take.

Takes time and guests get distributed.

French or Butler Service( LS- CCW-P)
In this service style:

1. Fetch plates with or without rechauds, depending on the food being served and leave on gueridon.
2. Fetch the platter from the kitchen, present to guests explaining the food, leave on gueridon with or without rechauds.
3. Distribute the plates(cold or hot) RS-CW- no P
4. The waiter passes with the platter LS-CCW-P and the guests serve themselves using service clamps(spoon and fork) or their hands depending on the food being served. The handles of the clamps should be pointing towards the guest.
The platter has to be brought close to the guest’s plate to avoid accidents.

This service style is suitable for: Check our waiter course for it.
Personal service

Takes time, Guests disturbed and Guest may not know the right way of using clamps.

Self Service
In this service style:

1. The service staff set the tables(not in a canteen).
2. The guests help themselves or are helped by chef’s behind the buffet.
3. Service staff clear and in some cases serve drinks.

Guest should not move in one direction. Food should be placed on the buffet cold food first and hot last, light food before heavy and cheaper before expensive. Avoid using big plates(often peoples eyes tend to be ‘greedier than their bellies’.

This service style is suitable for: Check our waiter course for it.
Guest has a wide choice,Easy to clean and No waiters needed professional.

Food wastage.

Points to consider when choosing which service to use:
Kitchen layout/Equipment available/ Types of food/Skills of staff/Speed of service/Final presentation/Space in the dining room/Guests wishes or needs.


RS and LS – Side of the guest
CW AND CCW: Movement around the table while serving
P and No P: Who to serve first and order doesn’t matter.

About Author

Abhi Chauhan

The Restaurant Academy Professor. My studies in hospitality and experience of working in locations such as the USA, Switzerland, India and Iceland has equipped me with extensive knowledge concerning the restaurant industry and provision of the very best customer service. I have over 12 years of experience in the restaurant industry.

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